About Us

About the Aberdare & District Amateur Radio Society

Some of the members before the 2019 Christmas bash

Aberdare and District Amateur Radio Society (AADARS) is a small and friendly amateur radio club based at the Hirwaun Y.M.C.A.  The Club was founded in March 2009 after a group of local Amateurs felt there was a need for such a club in the Cynon Valley.

The Club callsigns are MC0TTR / GC3ASWand the station can be heard operating on most club nights from 6:30pm onwards. Feel free to give us a call if you hear us on the air.

We meet on a bi-weekly basis on Friday evenings between 18:00 and 21:00. Our members come from a wide range of backgrounds including both PMR and CB, and discussions covering many different subjects will be heard on the average club night.

One of our members working on a microcontroller based project.

We offer tutoring at all 3 exam levels, and hold a number of regular club activities including construction projects, demonstrations, field days, SOTA activations etc. Members bring along their own gear or projects to show others or indeed for help with technical aspects.

Our well lit and modern club venue is ground floor based with disabled access and facilities all in the same suite. We have full kitchen facilities and lots of seating / space for activities.  There is parking outside the YMCA, but if possible, park further up away from the building so not to upset local residents.

If you would like to learn more about our fascinating hobby, please take a look at our “Contact us” page and drop us a line.

We look forward to meeting you.

About Amateur Radio

Amateur radio is all about the skill and fascination of communicating using radio in its many forms. Open to all, young or old, amateur radio captivates the interest of millions of people around the world. Amateur radio operators encompass a huge range of activities, from communicating with someone locally, right up to those talking to astronauts on the International Space Station.

Radio amateurs are at the forefront of developing technologies years in advance of when they are rolled out to the public. FM radio, television, and even mobile phones were all used by amateur radio operators many years ahead of the general public.

Peter and Maldwyn setting up the station to work with the FT8 digital mode

Radio amateurs are also well known in many parts of the world for providing communications after disasters and during emergencies. Many radio amateurs also use the same skills to provide reliable communications for fun runs, carnivals, village fetes and air shows. There are fun amateur radio competitions and awards and much, much more. If you want to do something challenging, fascinating and worthwhile, become a radio amateur!

Designed and Hosted by Mark Stevenson (2W0YMS)